Stopped dying my hair and finding color difficult...

by Irene


I have grey hair, green/brown eyes and medium complexion. Since I've stopped dying my hair, I've found it really difficult to know what colours suit me as I've gone from dark brown to natural grey. Thanks so much for your help.


Hello Irene

I hope you managed to get the Free Color Analysis Quiz to work eventually. There was a problem but fortunately was all sorted. If not please try again.

If you don't get a feasible result when you describe your grey hair, try it using your previous natural hair color and see what Color Family is suggested. Going grey doesn't change your Color Family although some people feel that they prefer to use the softer shades from their color palette once they go grey.

Take a look at how some other visitors have coped with going grey and some of the real photographs.

In a time of change it's easy for confidence to be knocked and if you would like more help then I suggest Personal Color Analysis might be the way forward.

Thanks for getting in touch

kind regards


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