What actually is STYLE CONFIDENCE?
We know that it makes us feel good if we look good but that certainly doesn't entail looking like a fashion model. In fact, it really has very little to do with 'looks'. The real key to gaining confidence in yourself and your appearance is to VALUE YOURSELF!
A woman who values herself accepts and appreciates who she is, including her imperfections.
Good grooming is just about keeping yourself clean, fit and healthy both physically and mentally. Ensure that you get healthy food, rest and exercise. All ways to value yourself - you're worth the effort.
No need to be obsessive about what's in the mirror. When you're looking fresh and bright with your head held high and a ready smile you respect yourself and demand respect in return.
You don't need to become a slave to fashion to look good. When you're feeling confident in yourself people will look at YOU not what you're wearing!
A bit of effort with hair and makeup means that a pair of jeans and a t-shirt can look fabulous, particularly in a color that suits you. Dress the outfit accordingly - keep it casual or dress it up with a smart jacket and bag, heels and a scarf. There are very few places such an outfit won't take you.
How you look is not the most important thing in the world, so find a 'uniform' that works for you then relax spend your time on more important things!
Not worried about copying anyone else?
to look fabulous. Good grooming and a little care can make a cheap outfit look a million dollars. A messy presentation and down at heel shoes can make even the most expensive outfit look terrible!
When you've cared for yourself, take a little time and trouble to care for your clothes - it shows self respect and will pay dividends.
Tidy hair, neat nails, white teeth, well pressed clothes - that's how to gain confidence in your appearance and value yourself.
Very few women are born with innate style. Most confident women have learnt to play to their strengths and accentuate their best features and figure points. So...
come from within and an inner confidence develops once you begin to appreciate your true worth.
Do not allow yourself to be treated with less than the respect you deserve in any aspect of your life.
Respect yourself enough to turn your back on anything that's not worthy of you!
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