Summer! Can I wear both muted and clear colours?

by Jayne


I was misdiagnosed as a Winter when my hair was dyed darker but found the colours overwhelming.
I now realise I’m a Summer. My confusion lies in which sort of Summer I am.

It appears that both clear and muted colours can suit me. For example a clear mint looks lovely but so does a rose brown. A periwinkle suits me but so does a stone. Can I be both a true summer and a soft summer?

Hi Jayne

That is the perfect classic question! I love it!

It sounds as if you are a perfect SUMMER which means you have a mix of color characteristics - you are Light, Soft and Cool.

The SUMMER color palette is a glorious mix of Light, Soft and Cool colors too so the whole palette is perfect for you.

All of these 3 elements need to be present to make the Summer color palette.

Sadly, the Seasons are frequently split up into the 3 different elements but all that does is dilute your color palette making your choice very limited. It makes shopping extremely frustrating when you're trying to match minutely different shades.

You are also prevented from wearing and enjoying lots of additional lovely colors. You recognize that some colors are softer than others and this gives you plenty of choice according to mood and occasion.

So no more worries, enjoy every one of the Summer colors to the full knowing that they are all just for YOU!

Take a look at the SUMMER season for some lovely ideas on how to wear and enjoy your colors.



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