The Seasons are not always right!

by Carol


A Spring might always be Light or Warm or Bright. In my younger days I probably was a Spring but now I am not. I am Light, Warm and Muted (so not Autumn, Winter or Summer) In the Absolute Color System I am 'Intriguing'. The seasons are not always right!

Autumn colors are too dark, Winter colors are too bright, Summer colors are too cool. For the last 3 or 4 years I realized the season system all its paraphernalia was good for some but not all people.


Hi Carol

Thank you for your comments.

I can assure you that the 4 Seasons (beautiful as they are) do not provide the answer for many people. To imagine that each of us could be fitted correctly into just 4 different color directions is not realistic.

That is why I work with both Seasonal and Tonal Color Analysis because using the Seasons alone can be very limiting.

Obviously if you are Light Warm and Muted you are not a Spring which requires you to be Light Warm and Bright - and you don't fit into any of the Seasons. You were probably determined a Spring years ago because your consultant only worked with that system and there was nowhere else to put you!

I've recently done an article explaining the difference (and the similarities) between Tonal and Seasonal Color Analysis - do check it out.

There's no mystery to it but many color professionals are still trying to over complicate it!

You appear to be quite familiar with the Light and the Warm color palettes. If the softest of these tones look good on you, that's great, go with what makes you look and feel good.

Many people who doubt their color direction will relate to your comments and feel they've been 'eased' into a 'color box' that doesn't feel right.

Check out all the Color Families and find the colors you feel comfortable with.

The idea of Color Analysis is to suggest a color palette that makes you feel good and look good, there are no hard and fast rules.

If you'd like further help with defining your color direction please Contact Me.

Many thanks for being in contact and kind regards


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