Transitioning to grey

by Kate
(Dundee, Scotland)


Hello Pamela

I have been told by my Hairdresser and my daughter that my hair is salt and pepper. That's OK, but is it Cool or Warm? I keep changing my mind as to whether I should continue colouring it or let it grow out. Any help you can give would be very much appreciated.




Hi Kate

It all depends on your natural coloring overall.

If you know your natural coloring up until now - Warm or Cool - then beginning to go gray will not immediately change that and there's no reason to not continue enjoying the colors you've worn up until now.

Whether or not you continue to color is such a personal decision but take a look at this page which gives you a few options:Going Grey.

If you'd like to see some Real Women Going Grey you'll find different opinions.

Rather than taking a rash decision pay particular attention to your grooming and a little more care with your makeup. A good haircut and condition will help enormously.

If you don't know your color direction then perhaps this is a good time to treat yourself to an Online Color Analysis.

Hope that helps

kind regards

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