Vertical and horizontal body

by Clare

I have a congenital defect in my neck making my neck slightly shorter and I have shoulders that are very square and raise up at the end making my neck look shorter. I always thought that I had wide shoulders but I do not, in fact I believe I have narrow shoulders,sleeves always seem to extend past my shoulder, down my arm, this is a bigger problem because of my larger bust and therefore larger size tops.

The main problem is the shoulder area, everything is so close to my ears. I can't wear shoulder pads or gathered sleeves, I am a pear shape, that is where fat sits, with a large bust. It all compounds into one problem I have never been able to address.

I would appreciate any help that you can suggest.

Kind regards, Clare


Hi Clare

Something you can easily check out is how to cope with a Short Neck. One of the easiest things that's particularly good is to choose a V neckline and you'll find other suggestions too.

If your shoulders are narrow then lifting the seam at the top of the sleeves would usually work to feel more comfortable for you. But as you need more fabric across the bust you need to have sufficient fabric so as to avoid pulling in that area.

So you need to start with the bustline and ensure that you have sufficient fabric for a good fit and then address the shoulder line. If you have a structured blouse or top of a dress then perhaps a dressmaker could help by adjusting the shoulders and sleeves to fit.

I've put a few ideas in the image above and I'm wondering if it might be easier to start with something soft like the two tops on the right. You will have enough fabric over your bust and you can see how the shoulders shape up, perhaps even put a tiny shoulder pad wherever it would sit best.

I wish you had included your email address Clare and if you'd like to write to me again, perhaps with some photos of how you're getting on I'd be pleased to try and help more.

kind regards

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