Wearing black with Autumn colors is usually considered a no-no! But who said so??
I frequently hear you saying "I can't do without black in my wardrobe! Can I wear it? Is it wrong? How do I make it look flattering?"
First of all, there are no 'wrongs' with color, wear whatever makes you happy. And if something doesn't work then there are always ways to make it work!
Autumn is one of the deepest color palettes so it's only natural that you should feel drawn to strong colors.
And if you're drawn towards wearing black, it can look fabulous with the brilliant colors of Autumn!
A pair of pants, a straight skirt, some kind of jacket, even a little black dress, wardrobe staples that just kind of fit the bill at some point. Who dares to say that you can't wear them!
If you've had your Colors Analyzed and you know the Autumn colors flatter your complexion, you can choose to use them however you like. You don't have to stick to rigid rules and you certainly don't have to apologize for what you wear!
The idea is to enjoy wearing colors and if black is something you enjoy wearing - WHY NOT CONTINUE TO DO SO?
Once you understand how your colors work and what they do for you then it's up to you to interpret the way you use them. As long as you understand that it will never be the most flattering worn next to your face wearing BLACK with Autumn colors is easy and fabulous!
Autumn is one of the deeper color palettes and although your colors are soft they are also quite intense and heavily SATURATED. Therefore, they are strong enough to provide a strong contrast against black and they can look absolutely STUNNING!
Wearing black with Autumn shades works even better if you can put the color next to your face.
A beautiful scarf in Autumn colors looks stunning and you can wear it over anything and everything! Just throwing it round your shoulders will give you such a lift!
It works in the same way if you have a collar over your jacket or sweater. Even some brightly colored beads or earrings will add brightness.
Although Autumn colors have a softness because they are richly blended, they are BOLD. Quite bold and zingy enough to withstand the strength of black.
Here are a few outfits from the lovely Jess of elegantlydressedandstylish.com - she instinctively chooses the most brilliant colors to flatter her stunning red hair.
Every color makes a statement against black!
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