What is my Season?

by Miranda


I can't figure out my season. I have warm/muted hazel eyes, and warm hair, but cool to neutral pale skin with some pink (definitely not warm skin).

I look the worst in light muted colors as they wash me out, so I know I'm not a summer.

However, I look really bad in the muted autumn colors.

Best colors for me tend to be some cooler spring or warmer winter - and clear tends to look the best so long as it is not too stark or bright.

Any thoughts?


Hello Miranda

You sound as though you're in a bit of a muddle.

You don't actually have to be a Season you might fit more easily into one of the Tonal Color families. Take a look at the Color Analysis page and you'll see that I give 3 different methods for finding your own colors.

Start with the Free Color Analysis Quiz which will give you your nearest Tonal color family.

Then you could check out all the Tonal and Seasonal Color Families to see where you feel your own color characteristics sit.

If you are still in a muddle or your natural coloring is very individual you might choose to have a Personal Color Analysis which will give you an indepth color profile with all the information you need to recognize, enjoy and wear your most flattering colors, how to choose the best makeup, hair, jewelry etc.

Or why not ask a friend to help you and try to work out your colors together. Sometimes others can see things that we tend to overlook ourselves.

Good Luck... and kind regards

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Feb 22, 2015
What season am I
by: Ros Holden

Hi colours can be so confusing and it is really not a good thing to guess. You need a very experienced colour consultant to remove all the mystery

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