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Who needs a White Bra?

Who needs a white bra? Probably only a bride! I always buy new for the Summer but am beginning to ask myself why!

I may be late to the party but am finally coming round to wondering why I waste my money. It's obviously conditioning from long ago that we should be showing snow white straps - but really a bra shouldn't show at all.

Whenever we see celebrities donating their bras for Breast Cancer, I'm amazed to see a rainbow of donations - even though most of them had probably been bought for the occasion. And who can blame them?

Who needs a white bra? Nude is the NOW! #nudebra #whitebra https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/who-needs-a-white-bra.html

A bra is not supposed to show...

A colored alternative is certainly better than the dingy ones we throw out or hide at the back of the drawer!

But hidden is exactly what a bra should be. We wear them for healthy breast support, as part of our overall body shapewear which provides a smooth line for our clothes; not for everyone to see.

If your bra is visible it detracts from overall good grooming and spoils the style of your outfit. 

Who needs a White Bra? 4 good reasons not to buy!

1 They don't stay WHITE

However beautiful it may initially look, once your bra has been through the washing machine a couple of times it’s lost it’s ‘glow’.

Hand-washing is not really an option to get anything properly clean and the more it's washed the quicker it wears out. When you’re travelling it’s an absolute nightmare. 

2 It's always visible

A white bra is always visible even under a white top and particularly under a dark top - not very stylish. 

Worn under a dark top it will discolor more quickly.

And… if you’re visiting a nightclub or party with UV lights you can end up looking like a ‘dancing bra’.

3 There are less in the shops

The sensible bras that many of us grew up with were white or nothing. My grand-mother thought that black bras were pretty racy haha!

You’ll find many ranges now that don’t even include white as more and more fashion colors are introduced. 

4 Nude is the new neutral

Unless you can have a wide selection of bras that match your outfits, look for a bra that closely resembles your skin color. Neutral tones are the most useful, versatile and elegant. 

For lighter skin NUDE is the NEUTRAL to choose. It's the only color that's invisible under white, all colored tops and sheer fabrics. You also need BLACK which is essential under all your darker outfits.  

For different skin tones you'll find lighter and deeper shades of beige or nude bras.

If your bra shows hide it...

  • If your top is sheer add a camisole.
  • Change the style of bra to suit your top so that it can stay hidden.
  • There is nothing elegant about showing your under-pinnings!
  • The wrong size and shape will ruin the flow of your garment. It's uncomfortable and may do harm.
  • Aim to be re-fitted regularly.
  • So who needs a white bra? Not me!

"Without foundation, there can be no Fashion!" Christian Dior

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