Your Style 093 - July 2020

Hi there!

Welcome to July, the second half of a crazy year! 

High Summer and yet few of us will be able to take a vacation or go too far from home. I'm just so grateful for home, garden and the ability to see close family at last, a new but very welcome kind of normality! 

I've been assembling a NEW quiz for Color Analysis which I know you'll find easy to use and it delivers the results!

Of course this has to be generic so I can't guarantee perfect accuracy but it WILL give you a really good pointer towards your color direction.

New! Color Analysis Quiz with a FREE book for all

A NEW Color Analysis Quiz is up and running.

I'm offering a FREE book to each of you lovely email group members who takes a trip down the Color path!

All you have to do is take the Quiz, discover your Color Family and claim your free copy of the relevant 'Color Brief', normally on sale for £3. 

Just drop me a message, tell me your Color result and I'll send you the book - Contact Me here...

Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle

How to use your Color Swatch

Do you know how to use your color swatch? And do you really need one?

You've had Color Analysis because you want to look your best and avoid wasting time and money on clothes that don't do you justice.

Your analysis complete, you should ensure that you understand what it means and, if you don't, you should ask your consultant.

A fabric color swatch is where it all comes to life, do you know how to use it properly?

Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle

Autumn colors in Summer

Can you wear Autumn colors in Summer? Yes you certainly can!

When Color Analysis began the Seasons were merely convenient names to describe the color groups. The idea was brilliant because the colors do reflect the Seasons and it strongly enforces Color as a natural medium.

The Season's colors, however, are not limited. You'll find your colors in every fabric/style right through the year.  

Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle

Figure flattering swimwear

Whether it's a vacation, staycation or the local splash pool, flattering swimwear is a must!

Work with your body shape to accentuate your assets and draw the eye away from any part of your figure that concerns you. 

When you're baring, or nearly, baring all disregard what's supposed to be in fashion and concentrate on finding a look that makes you feel comfortable as well as fabulous. 

Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle

Sunscreen with makeup

It's important to be safe in the sun and protect your skin but perhaps, like me, you want to add some makeup too.

Two reasons here - my skin is not as young as it was (under statement) and I'm naturally very fair. So although makeup isn't necessarily essential it does make me feel better - no other reason needed! 

Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle

Who needs a white bra?

Summer time is when I buy new white bras - or is it?

I may be late to the party but I'm finally coming round to wondering why I waste money on buying new every Summer!

It's lovely to see them gleaming white but really a bra shouldn't show at all!

So who needs a white bra anyway?

Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle

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Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle
Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle

Your Color Analysis - the WINTER Season

As you probably know I use both Seasonal and Tonal Color Analysis.

While you may sometimes read that Tonal Color Analysis is now the one to use, that's absolutely wrong! The SEASONS are just as pertinent as ever if you have a mix of color characteristics.  

Today I'm looking at two ladies who have color characteristics of DEEP, COOL and BRIGHT - the glorious mix that is WINTER. Nothing from the Tonal color palettes could come anywhere near the best range of colors for Mindy and Denise.  

Mindy's analysis is recent but Denise has sent me additional comments several months on.  Thank you ladies it's great to hear your experiences, read them both in Before and After Color Analysis.

Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle
Your Style newsletter #093 August 2020 #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle

Enjoy the Summer

with much love Pamela x

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All the FREE Resources here for you ...

FREE Color Personality Quiz #colorpersonalityquiz #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle
Look Fabulous Forever Makeup for mature skins #lookfabulousforever
FREE Color Analysis for men #coloranalysisformen #bodyshape #colorandstyle
Fabric Color Swatches #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle

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