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Your Style #119 - August 2022
10 years of Color Shape and Style!

Hi there!

Seems a long time away but I've been hard at work creating a NEW FREE Color Analysis Quiz. Up 'til now there's been a Free quiz to find your Tonal Color Family but now there's a Free quiz for the SEASONS too! 

So whatever your coloring there's now a free and easy way of discovering your Color Family. Everyone's coloring is different and whether you turn out to be Tonal or Seasonal then it's perfect for YOU! 

This week I celebrate 10 years of Style Yourself Confident - a milestone I would never have imagined. Huge thanks to YOU for your visits and the incredible interaction and friendship we've developed over the years! X

Your Style 119 #colorshapeandstyle #yourstyle #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-119.html

New! FREE Color Analysis for every woman!

You probably know by now but everyone has a SEASON that's closest to their natural coloring - it means you have a mix of different color characteristics and that's great for most people.

But if those colors don't work comfortably for you, you may have a TONAL Color Family. And your other half is catered for too in Free Color Analysis for Men. 

Kettlewell holiday capsule for every Season! 

In the last mag I gave you 2 versions of a holiday capsule wardrobe in neutral tones and showed you how to add your own splashes of color! 

Today I'm bringing you 4 capsules, one for each SEASON, in the beautiful colors taken from your own color palette. 

Each capsule wardrobe, 12 pieces of color co-ordinating pieces, are designed by Kettlewell Colours and give you holiday packing ideas and tips specific to your season. 

Your Style 119 #colorshapeandstyle #yourstyle #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-119.html

DIY Face and Body Scrubs

A DIY face and body scrub is just what your skin needs during the months of high Summer.

When the temperature rises the increased humidity stimulates the skin's oil glands and your skin may begin to feel heavy and clogged.

But it can also be dehydrated at the same time and you get drawn into a cycle of classic combination skin - let's do two jobs in one with a quick and delicious scrub. 

Summers Magic Color #summersmagiccolor #coloranalysis #summercolors  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/summers-magic-color.html

Your Color Analysis pics - Mary is Warm

Mary is my subject today and her lovely coloring just screamed Warm! And this was exactly the color palette that worked for her after the very lengthy Color Analysis that I practice.  

But after a succession of Color Analysis' consultations Mary was so completely confused about her colors and makeup it was difficult to accept a different direction. In fact her comment was: "I've been a cool or neutral in every cosmetic brand since I was 18 - never any peachy-coral colors associated with Warm, always plum undertones in blush/lipstick".

There was, however, the odd sign that Mary's instincts were in the right direction. She bought a raincoat in a sort of lime green because she says "it was the only one available and it fit". Believe me Mary, anyone in the Cool spectrum would rather die in the storm than buy lime green and it looked fabulous on you (sadly I've lost the photo!).

Anyway, move forward a few days and I had another message from Mary who said:

"I went and tried on some shirts in the colors you sent me and they actually worked. The gold not so much but what you said about "muted" rang true and when I put on more vibrant warm colors I saw a difference 🥰, thank you. I bought a few t shirts and I'll go from there. Funny thing is- these are colors I naturally wore in high school and have gotten away from recently- and it's a little hard to embrace more bold colors bc I'm attracted to khaki etc- but I'll give it a go. Still not sure how lipstick will roll- that's gonna take a while. I'm moving on and now have to see how to make my wardrobe work with what you said. Many appreciations."

See Mary and lots of other Color Analysis pics in Testimonials!

Your Style 119 #colorshapeandstyle #yourstyle #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-119.html
Your Style 119 #colorshapeandstyle #yourstyle #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-119.html

with love Pamela x

Last month's top pages

Your Style 119 #colorshapeandstyle #yourstyle #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-119.html
Your Style 119 #colorshapeandstyle #yourstyle #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-119.html
Your Style 119 #colorshapeandstyle #yourstyle #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-119.html
Your Style 119 #colorshapeandstyle #yourstyle #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-119.html

Allow 'Your Style' to visit you!

The latest features on Color Analysis, Body Shape and Style to your Inbox, twice monthly.

Plus a Free copy of my book 'Shortcut to Style', it works for you, whatever your age shape or size! 

Pamela x

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