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Your Style #123 - end of October 2022

Hi there! 

I assumed it was only old people that thought time went quickly but it seems even the kids are saying it now!

It's already time for Fall festivities - Diwali, Hallowe'en, Bonfire Night, Thanksgiving, Christmas. We're such a multi-cultural society that festivals and celebrations can be shared and enjoyed by so many. We have American family and I've come to love the fact that we can honor the 4th July and enjoy an extra celebratory meal for Thanksgiving - after all the Pilgrim Fathers brought us together!

None of that stops us being patriotic, but teaching our kids to enjoy a shared and blended culture benefits all of us far more than a culture clash! Have fun! 

Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html

Burgundy or Maroon?

Fabulous BURGUNDY! Most of us love the color but it can be tricky to identify the best shade for you!

The word 'burgundy' is used so loosely and it can be difficult to discern the difference between a WARM and a COOL shade! 

Why is it so difficult? And how can you ensure you choose your own best shade?

Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html

Help! Autumn hair going grey! or Warm...


Help! I’m an Autumn going gray.

I have med/fair golden skin tone. Hazel eyes with muted blue-green base, gold and rust around iris with ‘freckles’. My natural hair color is a pretty neutral light/ medium brown and my grays are a very white silver.

Should I stop wearing many of the shades I used to look good in? I don’t want to look washed out or frumpy. Thank you for your help!

Click HERE to see my answer!! 

Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html

Smile Makeover

I'm a great believe in accessing anything that boosts your self confidence. And what boosts the look good feel good factor better than a beautiful smile.   

If you're concerned about showing your teeth then you may be slow to smile and, sadly, reluctant to interact with others. This can severely affect friendships and relationships. 

Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html

You are WINTER!

With a mix of 3 color characteristics
- COOL DEEP and BRIGHT (Clear) - the Winter palette is the boldest of all! 

If this is you, discover your best neutrals and accent colors, even the best shades for hair and makeup.  

Succinct information to identify your Winter color characteristics.  

Your Color Analysis pics - The Winter Season

There are still many different systems around but the 12 Seasons Color Analysis seems to raise more queries than most.   

Julia had been determined a 'Deep Winter' with a limited palette and a selection of heavy colors that flattened her beautiful crisp coloring and the palette was very limited.  

She says: "Wow super happy and pleased with the elaborate/thorough analysis! Thank you for all the work. 

So happy to discover I'm a True Winter with all 3 attributes of Deep, Cool and Bright. This gives clarity and closure; no more warm maroons, rusty reds or mustards that I thought I could/should pull off as a supposed 'deep winter' just the pure cool colors that I‘ve always loved. 

Tomorrow's my birthday and my parents are buying me a new wool coat. I‘m choosing a gorgeous bright true blue instead of playing it safe with some kind of grey. I‘m so excited to change my wardrobe into complete winter over time." :) Julia, Germany

Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html

Great color choice Julia! 

Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html
Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html

with love Pamela x

Last month's top pages

Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html
Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html
Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html
Your Style 123 October 2022 #burgundyormaroon #autumnhairgoinggray #smilemakeover #winterseason #wintercolors https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-123.html

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The latest features on Color Analysis, Body Shape and Style to your Inbox, twice monthly.

Plus a Free copy of my book 'Shortcut to Style', it works for you, whatever your age shape or size! 

Pamela x

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