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Your Style #127 - January 2023

A belated Happy New Year! The bells and festive decorations are swept away and we're left with horribly cold and dismal weather; the idea of Spring seems a long way away! So let's ease ourselves gently into this first quarter by finding something 'feel good'.

Click over to listen to your body talk (below) and discover all that's available here for you. Grab a chunk of confidence as you determine your own colors, body type and styles to suit. You might like to lift your mood with fun quizzes, makeup and hair advice, capsules, travel, recipes, and even hobbies.

YOU can be the best version of yourself regardless of age, shape or size!  

But being stylish is not just about the clothes you wear it's about being yourself, liking yourself, making the most of yourself and doing it your way!

A new year brings fresh opportunities. So open the door to new beginnings whether it's at work or home. Don't put limits on yourself - you don't know what you can do, create, experience, feel or learn unless you try! Bye for now x

Your Style 127 email

Listen to your Body Talk!

Let me show you how to listen to your body talk and find the look good/feel good factor whatever your age, shape or size!

Pick and choose wherever you personally need a boost of confidence!

That's the 'biggie' because a every little bit of confidence gained raises your self esteem.  

Listen to your body talk 400

Look good when it's cold!

Baby it certainly is cold outside here!

Here are some easy tips so you can layer without bulk, feel warm and still look good when it freezes. 

Don't forget it's your face that everyone looks at first so frame it with a pretty hat and add a touch of makeup to do yourself justice.

Look good in Winter 2 400

Love the skin you're in! 

Not feeling the joy? Until you accept yourself as you are it's impossible to fully care and extend that warm glow of love to others.

When you look in the mirror are you over-critical of the way you look? If people compliment you, do you believe them? The relationship we have with ourselves can be very confusing!

I'm not a psychologist - just someone who has experienced self-doubt too!

Love the skin youre in 400

Your Color Analysis pics - Silvia

Amazingly, Silvia (below) is a Mom of five, resulting in a very busy lifestyle. She probably needs to streamline her wardrobe more than most and, yet, it's taken her about 10 years to discover her color direction.

Her hair stylist had been wanting to add warm highlights but, fortunately, Silvia decided they didn't feel right and her natural instincts won out. 

We are frequently influenced by brilliantly creative hairstylists, but they are rarely trained in color analysis. Hair color is an innate part of your natural coloring and any addition of colorant should be chosen to work with the whole!

See what she has to say in Color Analysis pics...

B and A Silvia
B and A Silvia 2

with love Pamela x

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Allow 'Your Style' to visit you!

The latest features on Color Analysis, Body Shape and Style to your Inbox, twice monthly.

Plus a Free copy of my book 'Shortcut to Style', it works for you, whatever your age shape or size! 

Pamela x

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