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Your Style #128 - February 2023

Hi there! 

From the title of this website you will see that it's about all things that help build confidence and self esteem. This takes in the LOOK GOOD FEEL GOOD factor - because how we look does have a big effect on the way we feel. 

But feeling good about yourself has absolutely nothing to do with looking like a fashion model. It just means valuing yourself for who and what you are so that you can focus on the positives and believe in yourself.    

Of course there are times when we need to follow the conventional route for a particular occasion but, on the whole, it's important to be yourself. Each of us will have something particular that makes us feel good. Perhaps it's having a successful day at work, feeling the energy rush after exercise, it might be a particular outfit that empowers you or even just having your hair cut.

But whatever it is that promotes confidence, it's very strongly tied up with Body Confidence! Take a look below!   

I can't believe it's February already but, although it's a long time 'til Spring comes to these parts, there are snowdrops in the garden as a sign of hope!   

Your Style 128 February magazine COLOR SHAPE and STYLE. #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confidence.com/your-style-128.html

What is Body Confidence

Body confidence is difficult to define!

I ran Style Workshops for women of every age, shape and size for over 20 years and most of them were looking to raise their confidence levels. 

Gaining body confidence means that however much you spend on clothes or pampering, you need to truly believe in yourself and appreciate your positives. 

Your Style 128 February magazine COLOR SHAPE and STYLE. #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confidence.com/your-style-128.html

30 ways to wear Burgundy

I'm looking at one of my favorite colors BURGUNDY - one of the most t versatile and best loved colors and it works all year round. 

It will comfortably take you from Winter through Spring so let's look at all the different colors we can use to co-ordinate. 

There's something for every color direction whatever your style.

Your Style 128 February magazine COLOR SHAPE and STYLE. #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confidence.com/your-style-128.html

Looking to brighten yourself up?

Often the time of year when we want to brighten ourselves up.

No reason not to give your hair a boost of color but, stop just for a moment, before you change it drastically. 

A complete change of hair color can have a dramatic effect on your skin.

Change by all means, but be aware of the difference it makes.

Your Style 128 February magazine COLOR SHAPE and STYLE. #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confidence.com/your-style-128.html

Your Color Analysis pics - From Spring to Summer! 

I actually analyzed Kathleen as Spring 7 years ago but she was beginning to feel quite overwhelmed by the warm bright shades. Perhaps I was wrong, perhaps her photos weren't particularly good, perhaps her coloring has changed dramatically; whichever, we now have a distinct change of direction!

Kathleen's hair was quite naturally golden when I first analyzed her colors and, at the time, the Spring palette was perfect. But as the years went on her hair leaned more towards a silvery white and her complexion softened considerably. Back to the drawing board, there is no doubt that the soft Cool shades of Summer are far more flattering to her current natural coloring. 

I frequently say that as we grow older and hair and skin tones soften there is no need to adjust your color direction as long as you are happy. I stand by that, the majority of women will find that their existing color family will continue to work perfectly - although some may feel more comfortable with the softer end of the palette. 

As Spring is a mix of Light Warm and Bright, any softening in natural coloring will usually mean that Light or Warm will take the lead. It's quite unusual to find that the skin tone has determinedly changed from warm to cool. The warm tones are heavy and make her complexion look quite yellow while the delicate Summer palette allows her beautiful coloring to shine.  

See what she has to say in Color Analysis pics...

B and A Kathleen B
Your Style 128 February magazine COLOR SHAPE and STYLE. #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confidence.com/your-style-128.html

with love Pamela x

Top pages for January

Your Style 128 February magazine COLOR SHAPE and STYLE. #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confidence.com/your-style-128.html
Your Style 128 February magazine COLOR SHAPE and STYLE. #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confidence.com/your-style-128.html
Your style 126 Christmas digital mag #coloranalysis #bodyshape #christmasmagazine https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-126.html
Your Style 128 February magazine COLOR SHAPE and STYLE. #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confidence.com/your-style-128.html

Allow 'Your Style' to visit you!

The latest features on Color Analysis, Body Shape and Style to your Inbox, twice monthly.

Plus a Free copy of my book 'Shortcut to Style', it works for you, whatever your age shape or size! 

Pamela x

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