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Your Style #150 February 2024

Hi there

This is quite a landmark - 150 issues of 'Your Style'. Thank you so much for your friendship and support, I am delighted that you keep returning to read what I have to share about Color Shape and Style.

It's well timed as, during this special month of love, I can send a little back to you all with a competition offering FREE ONLINE COLOR ANALYSIS to one lucky reader (worth £79). This can be either for yourself or a nominated friend/relative who you feel really deserves or would benefit from this treat. Color Analysis can be a real game changer for how you feel about yourself as well as how you look! See below..

Friendship, as well as love, is something that's also celebrated on Valentine's Day, and 'Galentine's Day' has become popular for a girls get-together! Friendship is a big factor to consider when taking up a new hobby or pastime (see below); nothing bonds women quicker than having a common interest.    

Spread a little love this month xx

Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html

FREE Online Color Analysis competition!

Color Analysis discovers the best of your natural coloring and the colors that bring you to life! 

Contact me. Please write CA COMP at the top of your message and in 2 or 3 sentences describe how either you, or your nominated person, deserves or would benefit from a free Color Analysis!

Please respond within 4 days i.e. by midnight Wed, 8th February. You or he/she must be happy to complete a questionnaire and supply current photographs. And don't we all love to see a Before and After photo!!! 

Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html

Find your Face Shape!

Being aware of your face shape is invaluable when you're trying to work out the best shapes to flatter your face and even your figure. 

It's an important factor of course for every item you wear around your face; glasses and sunglasses, hairstyles and necklines, and your makeup will be more effective when you know how to accentuate your bone structure.  

Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html

How to choose a new hobby or pastime?

How to choose a new hobby or pastime? Ready to take a new step and feel more self confident? 

The word 'hobby' sounds a bit archaic, perhaps even boring, but a 'pastime' now that's a different kettle of fish! Enjoying your spare time any way you choose rather than that which life forces on you! 

A new activity can entertain and/or challenge you. It can be relatively simple but it's never too late to learn or experience something new. Making friends along the way, now that's a BIG bonus! 

Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html

Your Online Color Analysis - the Summer season

With a demanding job, Joy was a very mixed up lady following several different Color Analysis'. Although she was currently wearing Warm colors, she had been determined Autumn, Spring, Summer and something called Intriguing! (never heard that one before!)

She said: "Warm colours seem too yellow, the summer too grey, the autumn too dark. Now I have started letting my hair go grey it is mostly a whitish colour not a steel grey colour. I wish I could nail this one thing down and move on".

"Thanks Pamela, it will take a while to process but I love the way you show the Warm and Cool images together so I can see the difference. When I was younger I think I was more of a Cool but you are spot on that Summer is better now. 

Thank goodness for Poshmark-lots of Warm stuff going to sell! Thanks again. I’m having fun with my Summer colors"

I was able to show Joy that Summer colors don't have to be gray and dull. Although they are soft, they are also Light and Cool - extremely pretty and subtle! She looks beautiful! 

Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html
Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html

with love Pamela x

Top pages for January

Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html
Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html
Your Style 149 January #coloranalysis #bodyshape #fashionstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-149.html
Your Style 150 #freecolorcompetition #freecoloranalysis #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-150.html
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