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Your Style #160 July 2024

Hi there

We're entering the second half of the year trying to enjoy the 'Summer' but with damp and chilly weather alongside a General Election this week! Not a pleasant picture all round!

On the other hand in other parts of the world some of you are experiencing uncomfortably high temperatures, fires and dangerous hurricanes. The world is a scary place, please keep safe!  

Can I ask for your help? I recently had a lady tell me that she found the navigation difficult on this website. I hope the Nav Bar at the top is clear and there is a Site Map at the top of every page too. Unless I've missed something I aim to have a link in every image. Can you please let me know if and where you find any problems with moving around or if you have suggestions to improve? Contact me... 

Recently another reader said that she liked this website as it looked retro! The interpretation of retro is "new things that display characteristics of the past"! Haha, I'm not trying to be retro, I AM retro, if it's currently just a little in fashion how lucky am I that you like to read it??  Pamela X

You Style 160 sq


There are two official birth flowers for the month of July, larkspur and the enchanting Water Lily (Nymphaea).

Named after the Greek nymph the Water Lily, with it's showy disklike flowers, symbolizes beauty that can also have a dangerous side! It’s a symbol of unity and finding peace and balance for Buddhists, rising from the mundane to the spiritual world. It's also a symbol for purity, joy and innocence! Learn more...

Makeup Tricks to look Younger! 

As we get older, it's easy to be complacent and continue to use the same makeup, colors and techniques that we've been happy with for many years. But are you disappointed with the result you see in your mirror these days?

As we age our skin changes and loses elasticity and the makeup we've become so adept at using may no longer be giving us the best results! 

I've taken 6 basic makeup items and looked at how we might improve and update the products we use to look more attractive and youthful! 

Makerup tricks to look Younger 600

Be confident in your swimwear! 

Whether it's a vacation, staycation or the local splash pool, flattering swimwear is a MUST when you're older!

Once we begin to show more flesh we're at our most vulnerable! 

So make swimwear your priority; it should always be top of your packing list for holiday/vacation.

Style Yourself Confident whatever your age, shape or size with a well fitted swimsuit and a flattering coverup!


Online Color Analysis - the AUTUMN season!

When Christina contacted me, her strap line was 'anything as long as it's black!'

Wearing black is quite an easy trap to fall into particularly as she works in a corporate environment and wears business casual most days. Although she added 'bits' of colour like maroon and leopard print with some chunky jewelry, she was keen to do more! 

Analysing her colors as the Autumn season could present a difficulty to many color consultants as black is a no-no for an Autumn complexion. But Color Analysis is there to be enjoyed, not to dictate. 

Christina's bold taste in jewelry shows her dramatic style and I put together the perfect compromise. It was wonderful to add the rich and most glorious Autumn shades to her black separates so that brilliant color flattered her warm complexion while still creating the bold contrast she loved. 

B and A Christina H

Christina says: "Thank you SO much for this. It's absolutely wonderful. I had a feeling I was going to be either Autumn or Winter, so this has confirmed it and I'm very excited!

I am actually rebuilding my wardrobe 'from the ground up'. Most of my clothes no longer fit so I'm literally starting from scratch. I absolutely LOVE the idea of a capsule wardrobe, at least to start off with, so I'm trying to come up with a colour palette based on the analysis you've given me.

I think I've gone into analysis paralysis!  Christina, Australia

with love Pamela x

Figure Challenges

Hide tummy fat 400 sq
Balance vertical body 400
short neck 400
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