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Your Style Magazine #112
March 2022

Hi there!

The Magazine is shorter this month because none of us have the time to read lots of articles in one session!  You're telling me that two shorter mags (bi-monthly) would allow you more time to explore the features. So let's give it a go! I'd love to hear what you think, Contact me.

Apart from the Magazine there are an incredible amount of articles always available on this website all ready to help you look and feel good about yourself. Look at the Nav Bar (top of the page), click through to the Sitemap (above the heading) or use the Search facility for any subject you might want to access.   

Alternatively, take a look at Ask a Style Question, any query you have is often echoed by others. 

Face shape 

I get asked a lot about face shapes because we know this is invaluable in so many ways when trying to look your best.

Every item you wear around your face is influenced by face shape; glasses and sunglasses, hairstyles, necklines and jewelry; even makeup and the clothes you choose to wear. 

So this is where we begin... 

Face shapes, 4 Seasons and Color Analysis #faceshapes #4seasons #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-112.html

Find your Season 

We've all heard about the 4 Seasons and how it finds a beautiful color palette to flatter your own natural coloring. It's Seasonal Color Analysis. 

This month I'm ploughing more into what the Seasons mean and how YOU can discover your own Season. 

It doesn't have to be complicated, I'll show you!

At the bottom of the page you'll find:

The new SEASONAL COLOR BRIEF with all 4 seasons for the price of 3!

Face shapes, 4 Seasons and Color Analysis #faceshapes #4seasons #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-112.html

NEW Closet Staples

Build a closet you love year-round!

Co-ordinating tops, bottoms, shoes and accessories every woman needs; it's the ultimate style guide! 

You get an easy shopping list, 4 seasons of mix and match outfit ideas and printable style calendars.

You'll never walk into your closet and wonder again what to wear. Just $39

Face shapes, 4 Seasons and Color Analysis #faceshapes #4seasons #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-112.html

From my postbag: Advice for tall slim lady

Q I'm 6'2" with broad shoulders, small bust, 36 inseam, long arms, narrow shoe size 11, turning 60 soon. I have no fashion sense and mostly wear jeans, tee shirts, and tennis shoes. Most shoes my size are not stylish and I really don't want to dress old! Any advice please?

A Click to see the answer...

Your Color Analysis pics - Spring

You always love to see the photos of Color Analysis subjects. This month it's results from the Spring season. 

Beverly (left below) has typical Spring coloring; with fair skin and bright eyes, her previously golden blonde hair is fading just a little but she's adding highlights to beautiful effect. Actually she was turning her back on certain colors that she liked convinced that she was Cool! 

Mary (right below) has bright turquoise/teal eyes and, having transitioned into a attractive silver grey, probably has more crispness and brightness in her coloring than when her hair was light to medium brown. 

Everyone from the same Color Family does not necessarily look exactly the same, and it is difficult to be objective about yourself. See more Color Analysis pics. 

Face shapes, 4 Seasons and Color Analysis #faceshapes #4seasons #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-112.html
Face shapes, 4 Seasons and Color Analysis #faceshapes #4seasons #coloranalysis https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/your-style-112.html

See you sooner than usual

with love Pamela x

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All the FREE Resources here for you ...

FREE Color Personality Quiz #colorpersonalityquiz #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/free-color-personality-quiz.html
Look Fabulous Forever Makeup for mature skins #lookfabulousforever  https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/look-fabulous-forever.html
FREE Color Analysis for men #coloranalysisformen #bodyshape #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/
Fabric Color Swatches #colorswatch #coloranalysis #bodyshape #colorandstyle https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/

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