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Lentil and Oat Pie Crust

Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand! All the Healthy Family Favorites are quick, easy on the purse, and need no particular skills!

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Lentil and Oat Pie Crust

The perfect pie crust for slimmers, or just for your health. A low fat base ready for quiche or pie works wonderfully well for family lunches, dinners, meals, snacks or picnics. Freeze the base uncooked or cooked whole or sliced. 

My husband now prefers this to pastry. 

Quiche crust:

4 ozs red lentils and a stock cube

1 chopped onion and 1 crushed clove of garlic

1 tsp tomato paste, 1 tsp mixed herbs

2 oz porridge oats, salt and black pepper

Healthy Family Favorites - Impossible quiche #impossiblequiche #healthyquiche #picnicfood https://www.style-yourself-confident.com/healthy-family-favorites.html

Cook lentils in 400 mls and stock cube til soft - about 20 mins. Drain. Saute onion in low fat spray til soft, add garlic and cook 2 mins. 

To a mixing bowl add lentils, onion, tomato paste, oats and seasoning, mix well.  Leave to cool, add extra oats if too wet.

Spray a quiche dish (this one is 10") with low fat spray and press lentil/oat mix on the bottom and sides of the dish to form a crust. Bake 175 C for about 10 mins til set. Cool.

To make a low fat filling 

Cook the quiche base as above for about 10-12 minutes then cool.

For a slimmers filling saute chopped lean bacon and mushrooms. Add to quiche. Then saute whatever vegtables you have; I like to use chopped mushrooms, courgettes and peppers and add to the quiche. 

Traditionally you would break 3 eggs into a bowl and make up to 3/4 pint with milk and season well. To lower the calories substitute at least half of the milk with quark or cottage cheese (or a mix of both). A sprinkle of parmesan cheese on the top adds to the flavor. 

If your dish is deeper make a 4 egg/1 pint mix.  Cook 40 mins 175 C. 

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